Friday, 23 September 2011


Dealing with change is never easy, unless of course you practice it every day.

I felt compelled to write this article because of all the commotion going on with Facebook and how every time they make 1 or 2 changes (big or small) the nation (really the world) seems to go into a frenzy.

  Is all of this commotion necessary? I mean isn't it a good thing that facebook keeps changing? I wonder if facebook didn't ever change if it would go stagnant and eventually people would become bored with it and heaven forbid maybe not use it. As I write this I almost wonder if facebook sometimes makes these changes just to get peoples attention and to remind them that they are there. I know that facebook has become such a common part of everyone's daily routine and for most having a change in a routine can be so harsh. However, like I have said in other posts there really are no SURE bets in life so maybe all this change is a good thing. Maybe facebook is simply challenging us to stay on our toes. I mean look at it this way-are people really going to stop using facebook because of their changes? I highly doubt it so maybe adapting is the only way.

I'm just using the most recent and most widespread example here but I want each and every one of you who are reading this to think seriously about change; How well do we deal with change? How can we make life easier for ourselves in this ever changing (notice I didn't say evolving-this might be my next post) world of ours? 

One of my big arguments in life, especially as an entrepreneur and someone who has been working in and around education for the last decade or more is that we do not prepare ourselves very well to deal with change. I am of the belief that more emphasis in schools and other areas in life should be placed on dealing with change and adapting to the unknown. 

Oh the UNKNOWN (sorry, insert tangent here), just last week I spent 5 days with a high school group talking about fears and how we as a society deal with them (a whole other story) and what came out of that discussion was that so often (in fact number 1 in this small sample size) we are afraid of the UNKNOWN. I am not perfect by any means but I have been learning to live with the UNKNOWN and to deal with CHAOS whenever I can and I have to say this has made my life much easier and a lot more flexible, something I have come to cherish.

In the end I just want people (myself included) to really think about change and how it effects your life or better yet how we LET it effect out lives. How can we change that? One suggestion is add more spontaneity into your life. As a matter of fact, think of something right now that you have always wanted to do and take this 5 minute challenge: Go look up everything you can about it (whatever IT is) on the internet and even better if you can, book it-write it down-commit to doing something different and then TELL someone else, post it on your FB page (haha if you haven't boycotted it because of all the changes) or put it in your twitter feed, or whatever you need to do just get it out there! 

Believe me the more you try new things and the more you push your limits the more comfortable you will become with change and the unknown, thus the less you will have to fear in life. Embracing change is crucial, especially since we really don't have control over much in this life time.

Life has a lot to offer if only we can reach out and grasp it all. 

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