Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Re-launching and uncertainty

Well  the day has come and went and it felt really good. The Creativision website has officially been re-launched and finally I am happy with it.

It is amazing how picky one can be. A couple of weeks ago I decided that a relaunch was necessary. So I went to work fixing up the website. I asked a bunch of people what they would like on a coaching website and got some feedback. I worked for probably 3 weeks on the re-design and had really liked the process of having to re-write everything and coming up with new ideas and incorporating old ideas that had worked in the past. I finally had a product at the end of it all that was publish worthy. And that's what I did, I hit the publish key but never really told anyone, I just let it sit there. Then as I would go through my day in and out I noticed I was constantly looking at the site, if not in real life, in my head, and I came to realize I didn't like it! What? Why? I had worked so hard on the site re-design and as I was doing it I felt really good about. But then that nasty entrepreneurship, solo guy going at it alone little flaw crept in-I was having self-doubt. Was this the site I really wanted? Could it be better? Was I missing something?

I also asked myself the biggest question of all-why didn't I tell anyone about this re-launch? Why did I just change the site?

Well I thought about this lots and I think I knew all along that I was not happy with the site therefore I just did it and didn't "put it out there". I find it amazing what our minds can do to us. I spent that whole 2 weeks that the first re-design was up second guessing myself to the point where I got very little sleep. I think I was right in second guessing myself as I think this version of the website is much more attune to the type of site and work that I do.

I am fascinated though that without thinking about it or being strategic that before this launch I made a big hubbub about it. I was so excited to unveil this site to the world and to see how people would react.

Why was I so proud of this one and not the other? I'm not 100% sure about the answer but all I know is that I think there is something in an entrepreneur that just tells you-"this is right".

Every now and again you just find a groove and you believe. So this is the point of this post-even when everything feels wrong and you're not quite sure about anything hold onto trust and belief. Trust in your own capabilities and believe that you can pull through.

Although this was just a little website re-design it was a big reminder for me. Entrepreneurs are stubborn, me included. And sometimes even the guy who is giving advice to others needs to listen to his own head. I had to relax and just believe that eventually something good would come. The piece I wrote about self-doubt just a couple of weeks ago certainly played into my head on this one and I didn't even realize it (hmmm....maybe that's another reason why I wrote that post).

Have you ever found yourself second-guessing yourself on even the smallest of details? What have you second guessed yourself about? How did you come through it?

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